Quality System Audit Succeeded
28/06/2019 | Group of Companies SANED
June 25, 2019 in
the production unit of the SANED group of companies - LLC TRONITEK successfully
passed the first inspection audit of the quality management system for
compliance with the European standard ISO 13485: 2016. The audit was conducted
by a certified German company Medical Device Certification GmbH, with which the
Ural manufacturer of small medical equipment has been cooperating for more than
10 years.
The audit was
carried out in the design department, quality management department, in the
procurement department, in warehouses and at all stages of production. The work
of the company's departments and all the submitted documentation met the
requirements of the auditors and did not cause any serious remarks. As a
result, TRONITEK has once again proved that its production and manufactured
products comply with the European standard ISO 13 485: 2016 and the European
Medical Device Directive 93/42 / ЕЕС.
Recall that the
certificate for compliance with the European standard ISO 13485: 2016 and
Directive 93/42 / EEC, confirmed by LLC TRONITEC on June 25, 2019, makes it
possible to manufacture products that can be sold throughout the European
Community. In addition, European certificates give the right to promote
products in other countries, such as the Philippines, India, and can also
facilitate obtaining permission to sell medical equipment in other countries,
for example, in Australia or Southeast Asia.