March 1– World Immunity Day

March 1– World Immunity Day

March 1– World Immunity Day

5 Amazing Facts About Your Immune System 

The immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body against infection and maintain overall health. 

1. Sleep deprivation can impact immunity. 

Not getting enough sleep can wreak havoc on the body, and the immune system is no exception. 

2. Allergies are the result of your immune system reacting to a false alarm. 

When you experience an allergic reaction, your immune system is responding to a harmless allergen that it perceives as a threat. 

3. Being too clean can inhibit your immune system from functioning properly. 

When you make your environment so clean, you minimize so many foreign pathogens that you actually minimize the development of the immune system. 

4. Positive emotions and a healthy lifestyle may boost your immunity. 

Some research suggests that optimism can actually make our immune system work better. 

5. Every day, we encounter billions of germs, but they’re not all bad. 

Good bacteria in our body provides us with nutrients we need and also provides a defense against bad bacteria and infection.